How secure are aluminium windows?

Aluminium windows are among the best-rated with regards to security from external attacks. Unlike some uPVC windows, aluminium window frames will not crack if hit with a sharp object and they can’t be cut or sawn like wooden frames can.

However, there is more to window security than just the frame. For instance, the robustness of window locks is incredibly important, as is the type of glazing used:

Window locks: The robustness of a window lock determines what amount of force must be used to break it and gain entry. Some locks are so robust that they won’t fail at all; instead, the frame itself or the wall might give way.Aluminium windows Bedfordshire

Window glazing: In addition to single, double and trips-glazing options, it’s important to consider whether tempered glass or laminated glass will be used. Tempered glass is strong, while laminated glass won’t shatter (it’ll hold its shape).

For the reasons listed above, a cheap aluminium window manufactured abroad without branding might not be as secure as a regular uPVC or wooden window that was manufactured in the United Kingdom, since it might not meet the minimum standards for security as set out by Document Q in the Building Regulations.

Document Q and Building Regulations

Document Q sets out reasonable security standards for windows, to ensure that they can stand up to certain attacks. These are minimum standards that all windows must be built to if they are to be installed in new properties in the United Kingdom. The standards apply to all windows and doors, irrespective of what they are made from.

Aluminium windows, wooden windows and uPVC windows are therefore all manufactured to the same minimum-security standards. However, some manufacturers do exceed the minimum requirements and some windows are more secure than others.

In the case of an aluminium window, there’s also an obvious material advantage (aluminium is more durable than wood, and won’t chip or crack like uPVC or other plastics do). It is also important to consider that aluminium windows have an indefinite shelf life – they won’t wear down from normal use and will outlast wooden and uPVC windows.

If security is of paramount important to you, then, aluminium windows are an excellent choice. However, the type of lock and the type of glazing used should always be factored into any security assessment. To find out more about aluminium windows and security, contact us here or call us on 01767 765 440 to chat to a member of our team.